Big Bed Shenanigans

Since the age of 10 weeks, Isaac has slept through the night. Therefore, over the last two years I have been rather boastful about the amount of slumber both of us get. Much to the irritation of sleep deprived friends. Well, with only two months to go till baby arrives, it dawned on us that having both baby and Isaac in the cot together wasn’t ideal and it was time to evict Isaac out.
It was BIG BED TIME. Dun…Dun…Dunnnnnn…..
Trust me, Isaac is a good sleeper, but I was under no delusions that this was going to be a simple exercise. I thought carefully about how to execute the transition. Bed mattress on the floor so he doesn’t rupture his spleen when he falls out…check. Toys out of room to avoid record attempting block towers being constructed during nap time…check.
Ok, we are right to go.
Night One. Isaac joyfully ran out 3 times and numerous bangs from the room resulted in us finding him sitting in his bumbo and hiding in his wardrobe. Eventually at 10pm, I went in and discovered him holding a teddy under each arm looking very bewildered, lost and sad. It was no longer play time and he had no idea where his bed was. All of the night’s shenanigans were forgiven and I tucked him in and he finally went to sleep.
The following nights were similar. However, during the day was the worst. To my shock, Isaac realised there wasn’t much keeping him in his room. Some days I spent 4 hours constantly putting him back in his room, until he would crash at 6pm..wake at 9pm and then refuse to sleep again till Midnight. I told Stephen there better be a lock on Isaac’s bedroom door next time I looked. Obviously frightened by the emotional pregnant lady’s crazy rantings a lock magically appeared by the next morning. Weeeeeeee…. I feel no guilt for locking the kid in. Now go to sleep!
However, there was still a world or discovery to be found in his room. The boy does not need toys to keep occupied it seems. He had adventures climbing up onto his change table and across into his cot that we still had in his room. So out came the change table. Next day, I heard him laughing hysterically in there. He had climbed onto his chest of draws and was playing with the cords on the window blind that I thought were well out of reach. So out came the chest of draws. The next night, he fell from the cot. So at 10pm Stephen and I are dismantling it and out it comes. In between all this, he got up to other mischief such as finding a cardboard cylinder from a paper roll and literally eating half of it.
Do you start to get a visualisation of his room. It’s completely gutted, bar the mattress on the floor. Perhaps we could take that out too, Isaac seems to prefer sleeping in the wardrobe anyway.
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