Pregnancy 101

I have learnt a few tricks and tips from my first pregnancy with Isaac, to assist me this time round.  And here on my humble blog I am prepared to share them with you.

At around 12 weeks, or maybe even earlier depending on circumstances, you will have an ultrasound to see how peanut is going. Now, you need to have a full bladder so the ultrasound duvey wacky rays things can see peanut clearly. So when you ring the reception and book the ultrasound the receptionist will tell you to drink a litre of water in the hour before the scan. And you listen to her and obey, because she is the expert. Right?  WRONG!

What you don’t know is that the receptionist actually gets a kick out of watching you in the waiting room. She is waiting for you to start squirming in your seat, then stand up and do a little dance and finally be bent over doubled in excruciating bladder busting pain. Then she will look up and casually say ‘ you can go to the toilet and let a little out if you like.’ Knowing full well that once those floodwaters open there is no stopping the torrent.  Which leaves you in a less than ideal situation as an empty bladder requires the sonographer to use more intrusive methods of getting an ultrasound of peanut.

What you also don’t know is that while you are in the toilet and receptionist wanders across to the other side of the office, opens a cupboard and examines a tally sheet. She marks you off as her 154th victim for the year. She then glances across at her co-worker Mavis’s tally sheet. She realises for the first time this year she is in the lead and does a silent fist pump in the air.

However, all is not lost.  You are not to be doomed to this fate. All you need to do is drink one less glass of water. Trust me, 750 ml is more than enough water for them to see peanut and you can gracefully glide into that ultrasound room and just as gracefully glide out again. Just ensure you flash a knowing smile at the receptionist as you leave.

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